Since 1960 the Brothers CMM are present in the province Minas Gerais in central Brazil. This is one of the regions in Brazil where a great contrast exists between rich and poor.
Brothers CMM in Brazil
Since 1960 the Brothers CMM are present in the province Minas Gerais in central Brazil. This is one of the regions in Brazil where a great contrast exists between rich and poor. Mining is an important activity in this region. The congregation started with a community in Belo Horizonte and a secondary school, Colégio Padre Eustáquio. Around that school and the community various other activities have developed. The school has been handed over to the Marist brothers now.
The community of brothers in Brazil is very international. Because of the reducing numbers of vocations in the country, there are no Brazilian brothers. The brothers who are now living in Brazil are from the Netherlands, Indonesia and Timor Leste. The brothers from the last mentioned country are mainly there for studies. The language in Brazil is Portuguese, which is also the official language of Timor Leste, since its independence in 2002.
The country of Brazil is developing in great strides. But there is also still a large number of poor people. By means of some small activities in the field of instruction and education the congregation is trying to improve a bit the living conditions of the people in our immediate neighbourhood. This is done in cooperation with many laypeople, with several other religious organizations.
Spiritual development in Igarapé
In the mountain region near the city of Belo Horizonte is the conference and retreat center Retiro Vicente de Paulo in Igarapé. The brothers offer hospitality to groups of religious and laypeople who can attend courses and retreats. Anyone who stays for a while is encouraged to have an attitude of simplicity, prayer and receptiveness. On the enclosed grounds there are small houses and chapels everywhere. About sixty people can stay in the center.
Pastoral work among prisoners in São Joaquim de Bicas
In November 2009 a group started to visit prisoners weekly in São Joaquim de Bicas. Over the years, the prison work has developed promisingly, especially after the creation of a special service center in 2011, the Apoio à Pastoral Carcerária (APC). The APC was funded by the congregation and some brothers are actively employed in the prison ministry.
Working with the youth
In 2009, a youth group called “Grupo Vocational Misericórdia” (a vocational group around mercy), was formed. In regional gatherings, youths from Janaúba, Coronel Fabriciano, São Joaquim de Bicas and Belo Horizonte gather together for reflection and discussion around the central question: “What is the calling in your life?” In addition, meetings are organized at the central level. From this group also the participants of the World Youth Days of the International Youth Movement are selected. They are the Ambassadors of a Worldwide Brotherhood.