Brothers CMM and the Vincentian Family

Bishop Joannes Zwijsen wanted his Congregation of Brothers CMM to have a Vincentian spirituality. At the end of the 20th century, an intensive process of re-sourcing brought a new boost to this spirituality, which has produced rich fruits since then. With Vincent de Paul as patron saint, the Congregation of Brothers CMM belongs to the Vincentian Family.

The Vincentian Family (FamVin) consists of congregations and organizations inspired by the life and work of Saint Vincent de Paul. There are now more than eighty different branches of the Vincentian Family worldwide, such as the Lazarists, Daughters of Charity, the AIC, the Society of Vincent de Paul, and also the Brothers CMM and Sisters SCMM. Members of the Vincentian Family meet regularly by country or region to share their experiences and to explore the charism and spirituality of Vincent De Paul. They also regularly join forces in the work of the poor.


The Vincentian Family Executive Committee (VFEC) is an international board of the Vincentian Family. The VFEC initiates and coordinates projects of the Vincentian Family worldwide.  Since 2016 Brother Lawrence Obiko, Superior General, and Brother Broer Huitema, former Superior General, are part of this committee.