The Vincentian Family (FamVin) consists of congregations and organizations inspired by the life and work of Saint Vincent de Paul. There are now more than eighty different branches of the Vincentian Family worldwide, such as the Lazarists, Daughters of Charity, the AIC, the Society of Vincent de Paul, and also the Brothers CMM and Sisters SCMM. Members of the Vincentian Family meet regularly by country or region to share their experiences and to explore the charism and spirituality of Vincent De Paul. They also regularly join forces in the work of the poor.
In the Netherlands
The Brothers CMM, together with Sisters SCMM, initiated a Dutch Vincentian Family, in which about ten Vincentian inspired congregations and organizations participate. They come together twice a year to reflect on and share about the Vincentian charism, and Vincentian pilgrimages were organized for many years. Brother Ad de Kok is chairman of the Dutch Vincentian Family. Brother Broer Huitema is a board member of the Vincent de Paul Center in Nijmegen. From his educational experience, he is also involved in the organization of the masterclass ’social-spiritual leadership’. This masterclass was developed in collaboration with DePaul University in Chicago, and offers a contemporary application of Vincent de Paul’s servant leadership.
In Indonesia
Brother Ad Hems started a department of the Vincentian Family in Indonesia. The group consists of brothers, other religious and non-religious. They meet regularly and organize activities based on the Vincentian charisma.
In Brazil
In Brazil, Brother Adriano van den Berg has been closely working with the Congregation of the Mission and their formation of lay missionaries since 1996. Each year they organize a “mission” in a very poor area of Brazil. From 2004 to 2016, Brother Adriano was a board member of FamVin Brazil. Recently he was succeeded by Brother Damasus Dobat. Since 1996, Brother Adriano is also an active member of a department of the Society of Vincent de Paul in Belo Horizonte, the Conselho Particular São Domingos de SSVP (Special Council of St. Dominicus of the Society of Vincent de Paul). This department practices Christian charity in the form of social and spiritual assistance to the poor. Brother Adriano provides the spiritual guidance in this department.
Since 2000, the General Board of Brothers CMM organizes Vincentian pilgrimages to France for Brothers CMM and Sisters SCMM who are preparing for their profession for life. In addition, brothers from various countries took part in an ongoing formation program organized by the Center of International Formation (CIF) in Paris.
The Vincentian Family Executive Committee (VFEC) is an international board of the Vincentian Family. The VFEC initiates and coordinates projects of the Vincentian Family worldwide. In January 2015, Father G. Gregory Gay, CM, then Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, decided to expand the committee with three more branches of the Vincentian Family. Initially, the board consisted of representatives of the Congregation of the Mission, the Daughters of Charity, the AIC, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Since 2016 Brother Lawrence Obiko, Superior General, and Brother Broer Huitema, former Superior General, are also part of this committee.