Namibia and Zambia

In 1959 a group of Dutch and Belgian brothers left for what at that time was South West Africa and now is called Namibia. They made a significant contribution to education in the country. Still now the former CMM schools in Windhoek and in Sambyu-Rundu are quite well known. In 2022, the Brothers CMM extended their mission to Zambia.

Brothers in Namibia

There is now one community in Windhoek. The number of vocations in Namibia is diminishing, but from the neighbour countries, such as Zambia, we receive more and more postulants. The last Dutch brother went back to the Netherlands in 2016. At the moment the brothers have no own institutions in Namibia, but they are involved in youth work, pastoral work and in church building.


Brothers in Zambia

From 2018, the brothers explored opportunities to start a new mission in Zambia. The bishop of the Diocese of Mansa was very interested in the brothers’ work, and in early 2020, the general board received an official invitation from Bishop Patrick Chisanga O.F.M. Conv. to open a new mission in the Diocese of Mansa, in Kawambwa district, in northern Zambia. The new community in Kawambwa is dedicated to the patron saint St Joseph, husband of Mary.

There are relatively many young people in Kawambwa district, and they have their own questions and issues. So there is a need for people who can guide these young people through youth chaplaincy.

St. Mary’s Vocational Training Centre

Facilities in Kawambwa include a centre with facilities for a tailoring and carpentry workshop: St. Mary’s Vocational Training Centre. These facilities were not fully utilised, while proper training in these trades is an employment and income opportunity for young people. In particular, the carpentry workshop needed to be redeveloped. The new training in the carpentry workshop, led by the Brothers CMM, started in the beginning of 2023.