The big family of the Brothers CMM of the Indonesian Province expresses its gratitude for Brother Andreas Efruan who celebrated 40 years of religious life, and for the Brothers Paskalis Wangga, Paulinus Zebua and Emarius Gulö who celebrated their 25 years jubilee on 23 June 2023.
Gratefully showing awareness of God’s role in this life, the jubilarians praised God as expressed in the theme of the celebration chosen by the jubilarians, “I Praise the Lord Because of Him, My soul boasts and rejoices” (Psalm 34).
The jubilarians and their fellow-brothers expressed their gratitude in a Eucharistic celebration at the Holy Spirit Parish Church in Tomohon, North Sulawesi. The Mass of thanksgiving was offered by the Bishop of Manado Diocese, Mgr. Benedict Estephanus Rolly Untu, MSC as the main celebrant and four other priests as concelebrants.
In his sermon, Mgr Rolly emphasised that as many people boast worldly. “Paul saw himself as imperfect, he boasted of his weaknesses. In the journey of religious life for 40 and 25 years we are invited to give ourselves for others, and if you want to boast, boast in weakness for Christ’s sake. ’Don’t store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them’ (Matthew 6:19). The 40 years and 25 years of celibacy are a gift from God; ‘Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them’,” Mgr Rolly emphasised.
The provincial superior Br. Philipus Weridity mentioned in his speech that 40 years and 25 years of religious life are not easy, but thanks to God’s provision and love, the Brothers are enabled to pass through every life event. “The pilgrimage of vocation to religious life for 40 years and 25 years, is a celebration of faith that is the fruit of fidelity formed by a strong commitment to live as religious Brothers CMM. Live your vocation by strengthening your relationship with God, yourself and your neighbour. Be grateful for all life events and experiences, endeavour to love your neighbour and creation and always surrender to God”, he said.
After Mass, the celebration was continued in the Abbas – Matani Community Hall. The representative of the jubilarians expressed his gratitude to the bishop and the priests who offered the Thanksgiving Mass, as well as to all the brothers and sisters and the people who attended the thanksgiving celebration. He also thanked those who supported the jubilarians in the past 40 and 25 years of religious life.
Congratulations to the four brothers. We thank them for giving themselves in serving others through the congregation of Brothers CMM. The devotion and service that they have sown through their work as a brother is a sign of their dedication to God.
Br. Fransiscus Linus CMM
The legacy of Bishop Zwijsen