On Thursday, 30 May 2024, in Aek Tolang-Sibolga, Indonesia, 11 novices took their first temporary vows. It was the first time this celebration was held here, instead of in Pematang Siantar where the Second Year Novitiate is based. The Eucharist also included the blessing of the hostel in Aek Tolang and of the Marian grotto in the community courtyard.
The Eucharist was presided over by Bishop Fransiskus Tuaman Sasfo Sinaga (Bishop of Sibolga) and 11 priests (concelebrants). It was attended by the provincial superior of the Brothers CMM Indonesia and the Brothers CMM in the North Sumatra Region, Sisters SCMM, Sisters OSF Sibolga, seminarians and a number of lay people.
The celebration of the first temporary vows, usually held in Pematang Siantar, was moved to Aek Tolang because it was difficult to find a retreat centre for the novices in Pematang Siantar. The retreat centre of the Capuchin Order of Sibolga was a good alternative. Here the novices went on retreat to reflect on their vocation and their decision to become brothers of mercy.
This important moment was combined with the blessing of the newly renovated hostel for boys, St Bonaventura in Aek Tolang. This hostel, run by the Brothers CMM, is affiliated to the Santu Fransiskus School, which is owned by the diocese. The hostel houses youngsters who aspire to increase their knowledge for their future under the care of the Brothers CMM.
The Marian grotto on the brothers’ property was also consecrated. “The Congregation of the Brothers CMM is a Marian congregation, so let us pay great homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy,” said Bishop Fransiskus Sinaga. This Marian grotto is also a place for prayer and faith formation for the youth of the hostel.
In his speech, Brother Philipus Weridity, provincial superior, thanked the general board, the Bishop, the priests, the sisters, the donors and all others involved for their attention, support and cooperation. The provincial superior also announced in which Indonesian communities the eleven brothers will be placed.
The bishop expressed gratitude for the cooperation established between the diocese and the Congregation of the Brothers CMM since CMM started working in the Sibolga diocese. He was particularly grateful for the renovation of the hostel. He also drew special attention to three things, first: “Today, the Church rejoices in the courage of eleven young men who have declared themselves religious. Hopefully, in six or seven years, I will again preside at the Eucharist of perpetual vows for these eleven brothers.” Second: “As supervisors in the boarding school, I ask the brothers to pay attention to the elements of formation and education for the young people in the spirit of the CMM congregation, the Brotherhood of Mercy.” And third: “The Sisters SCMM and Brothers CMM should not forget Bishop Zwijsen’s message for his two congregations, the focus on prayer, community and work.”
Brother Agustinus Farneubun, CMM
