In the beginning of June 2021 the provincial superior of CMM Kenya together with the headmaster of St. George Mixed Secondary School in Sikri sent a request to the general board to build extra classrooms for this school.
St. George Mixed Secondary School is owned and managed by the Brothers CMM. The school started as an informal school (CP/Coaching Programme) to support those who were not able to pay for regular secondary education, and is currently registered as an official private school. In the Kenya National Examinations, the school has performed very well over the past years, even in the year 2020 when Covid-19 already had its effects on educational programs.
Covid-19 in Kenya
Kenya confirmed its first case of Covid-19 on 13 March 2020, and since then the cases have continued to rise and spread across the country. To curb the spread of the virus in schools, the Kenyan government and ministries of Health and Education formulated guidelines and restrictions, such as social distancing, the use of face masks, providing clean running water and soap, and temperature monitoring. In general, all private schools in Kenya are experiencing a lot of challenges to meet these requirements.
For St. George Secondary School the most urgent need is space. Even to accommodate the current student population, the classrooms are too small according to the regulations. And because of the good results in the past years, more and more parents want to enrol their sons and daughters in this school. However, to have enough spacious classrooms to accommodate all current and even more students, extra classrooms are needed.
Building extra classrooms is an investment, and the school depends on the support of others to cover such expenses. So they appealed to the general board of Brothers CMM and asked for help. The estimated expenses for a two-floor building with 8 classrooms are about € 56.000. The general board considers this a good investment because the school responds to the young people’s need for good education. In addition, with more pupils, from a wider range of social strata, the school is also expected to become a self-sustaining and in the future even income generating school: income that can be used to fund other educational or social projects.
Thankfully, a few years ago the general board has received an inheritance fund earmarked for education in Kenya. Because of this inheritance fund the general board is able to grant the financial request of St. George Secondary School.
On the 9th of July 2021, building activities have started with the ground laying and a ground breaking ceremony for 8 new classrooms at St. George Mixed Secondary School in Sikri. We thank God for this opportunity!
The brothers are grateful for the financial support they received. However, as a congregation we still see a lot of needs that we are unable to respond to with our limited resources. Any kind of financial support, no matter how small, can be of great support for those in need. Donations are welcome at IBAN NL60 ABNA 0522 4390 55 in name of Fraters CMM Missieprocuur (BIC: ABNANL2A, P.O. Box 90105, 5000 LA Tilburg, the Netherlands), or contact the general board for information about a local bank account for a project or school you would like to support.