On Saturday, July 27, 2024, brothers of the São Vicente Community in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, received the Blood of Saint Vincent relic. This sacred remains of Saint Vincent is kept in the Sanctuary of Caraça (Brazil) and is visiting the social works/missions of the Congregation of Mission (CM). The visit to the brothers’ community was a proposal from Father Ezequiel, CM, which was gratefully accepted by the brothers.
The passing of Saint Vincent’s blood through the community was received with a mass presided over by Father Ezequiel, CM, concelebrated by Father Juarez, CM and with the presence of Vincentians who live and work close to the brothers.
In the reflection, the celebrant mentioned the basic aspirations that led this saint to found his congregations. His teachings and examples of life also inspired the founders of other congregations and movements, today called Vincentian branches, in carrying out their missions.
Furthermore, the day’s readings helped us to better understand the evangelical themes of Saint Vincent, that is, the practice of good works, especially for the benefit of the most humble and suffering in the community and society. Reading the Prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7,1-11) warns us that the practice of our faith must be followed by fair and correct works towards our neighbors. That we do not commit “[…] fraud against the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow […]” (Jer 7:6) and, in our case, against the most simple and needy, because only in this way will God make us dwell in His temple.
The gospel invites us to keep our eyes fixed on the good wheat as the owner did and to know how to preserve it even among the weeds. In other words, despite the challenges and difficulties in life caused by social inequality, we must see in our neighbors the essence, the image of God, the face of Christ. This way, we will have reasons to work in search of creating opportunities that give them back the dignity of their being in society. Because “He who seeks the limits and defects of others does not cooperate with God […]” (Pope Francis, Angelus of July 19, 2020).
Christ himself clarified this parable to His disciples that “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world. The good seed are those who belong to the Kingdom. The chaff are those that belong to the Evil One. The enemy who sowed the tares is the devil. The harvest is the end of times. The reapers are the angels” (Mt 13,37-39). Inspired by the Son of Man and following the example of Saint Vincent, we always seek to sow good seeds in our lives and missions. Have courage, prudence and patience to see in our needy brothers the suffering face of Christ so that we can serve them as kings.
Brother Rosario de Jesus Martins
2nd Convocation Vincentian Family