On Sunday 1st May 2022, the new CMM community in Kawambwa – Zambia was officially opened. The opening ceremony started with a solemn Eucharist celebration held at St. Mary’s Parish in Kawambwa.
His Lordship Rt. Rev. Bishop Patrick Chisanga was the main celebrant, assisted by the Parish Priest Fr. Isaiah. The church was fully packed with two choirs gracing the occasion. The celebration atmosphere was very jovial, the whole church was singing and dancing. During the homily, Bishop Patrick expressed his gratitude to the Congregation of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy, for accepting to establish a new mission in the Diocese of Mansa. He noted that as Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out into the whole world and preach the good news of the Kingdom, so the brothers have responded to that call. He stressed the importance of missionary work and expressed his gratitude to the congregation for accepting to come to the diocese of Mansa. It was evident from the reactions of those attending the celebration that the people in Kawambwa are indeed happy with the coming of the brothers.
The Parish Priest, Fr. Isaiah and the chairman of the parish expressed their gratitude to the Bishop and the Congregation of Brothers CMM for making the choice to establish a community in the Parish of St. Mary’s Kawambwa. They confirmed that the Christians and community of Kawambwa are happy to receive the brothers and they promised to support the brothers in their work.
The new community in Kawambwa has been dedicated to the patronage of St. Joseph the husband of Mary. As a symbolic gesture, the superior General presented to the community the embroider emblem of St. Joseph which was originally hanging in the Mother house of the brothers CMM in Tilburg.
After Mass there was a procession from the church to the Brothers’ house, for the official opening and blessing of the house. This was followed by a festive meal to celebrate this memorable day.