For Brother Willem Beslar, prayer is an answer: “God, here I am”.
Serve people through prayers
As Brothers CMM we are invited to serve all people without any distinguish and complaining. We serve those who need us. So, every second and fourth Sunday of the month, Brother Willem Beslar (Manado, Indonesia) serves the sick people in Saint Michael Parish of Manado. He delivers the Holy Communion to the homes of sick people who can’t go to church. Also, every first Friday he provides this communion service for the sick people in the Holy Spirit Parish of Tomohon.
On Thursday evenings he has a regular meeting with a group of Catholic elders in Tomohon. During these meetings he leads the prayer and reflections. In these meetings the group also discusses about the activities they can do, like visiting the sick and praying for them, or rising funds for the needy or poor. Also for other occasions, such as Thanksgiving Day, birthday celebrations, or funeral ceremonies, Brother Willem is always available to lead the prayers. He is very happy to help those who ask for his assistance, and people will ask him often, because they love the way he leads the prayers.
Learning to pray
As a teacher at the Junior High School of Frater Don Bosco Manado, Brother Willem Beslar also teaches the students how to pray. From him they learn how to lead the prayers every morning and afternoon at school. And as a school counsellor he also prays with the students before they start talking about the problems that the students face at school or at home. In this case, prayer is very important to help find ways to solve the students’ problems.
Prayer as an answer
For Brother Willem Beslar, prayer is an answer: “God, here I am”. He is very motivated in serving others through prayers. The constitutions of Brothers CMM state that “being of service is our task in life” (Constitutions I, 29). For Brother Willem, praying for others and together with others is a way to fulfil this task. Praying builds a relationship between God and humans. The close relation with God affects him in his life and works over and over again, every day.
Brother Agustinus Nai Aki CMM (Indonesia)
Brother Jan Koppens