See my people

Brother Elijah Agilo
Mercy and brotherhood are two key concepts in the charism of the Brothers CMM. Beautiful words. But what happens in the reality of the everyday life of the brothers? That’s what is highlighted in this feature ‘See my people’ (cf. Matthew 9:35-38). Brother Elijah Agilo is an impressive figure. Tall, muscular and distinguished. He looks…
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Brother Paul Onyango Onyisi
Community work: the Namibian Youth Encounter In Namibia we have two major groups for youth. One of them is called the Namibian Youth Encounter, which is a group for university and college students around Namibia. These students come from different African countries. We give them spiritual support. We meet them once a week, every Thursday….
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Brother Geoffrey Sinange
I wrote this when I was a first year novice, and I felt it is our task and duty as brothers to share with one another about our various activities in our provinces, regions and communities. Community life It is my pleasure to share with you about our intercongregational novices course. These are courses organized…
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Lawrence Ndonga, Kenya
“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, ‘Be reconciled to God!’” (2 Corinthians 5:20). I consider myself an ambassador of Christ through Brothers CMM and take it upon myself to ensure that I live and spread their values of Mercy wherever I go. It is on…
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Brother Andrea Sifuna, Kenya
Mercy can have many different outward ‘colours’. When we take action where people have suffered injustice, and attempt to bring about changes in situations that violate human dignity, then we are serving justice. When we are honest and straightforward in our relations with one another, then we are serving the truth. When we ourselves assume…
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Brother Harrie van Geene, the Netherlands
Visible, audible, tangible. Those three words are important: they indicate that God’s merciful love takes concrete shape in our mission and indeed becomes a reality for others. And they call forth all kinds of ideas. Visible is the mercy in our work, in our projects and in our communities. It is visible, too, in our teaching…
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Henk van de Wal, associate member, the Netherlands
In the summer of 2008, we visited the Oyugis Integrated Project for the fifth time. Our first time was in 2000, when we left for Kenya, unsure, yet hopeful, with our two girls who were then 9 and 11 years old. In the meantime, we know what we can expect; we meet old friends, and…
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