
We are working hard to build our projects and communities. But what drives us? Why this commitment to bring more humanity into society? Where does this desire come from to set up warm and fraternal communities? Why the important place of prayer and meditation in our lives?

It’s not so easy to say in a few sentences who the brothers are and what we stand for. We often use the word ‘spirituality’ when we talk about our enthusiasm and inspiration. These pages are about the spirit we live from and the type of religious we are.

Jesus, merciful brother

Our life is really understood only when you see who is present in our midst: Jesus. The way in which Jesus lived God’s love has touched us forever and changed us.

Read more about Jesus


Mercy is not just an aim of our work; it is in fact an attitude towards life. Characteristic for a life based on mercy is the triplet ‘seeing, being moved and acting’.

Read more about mercy


We can also be a brother or sister towards people we do not know, and express solidarity towards them. Brotherhood thus may become more comprehensive.

Read more about brotherhood

Community life

Our life and work starts in the community where we live. It is there that we give shape to our ideals, and it is from there that we go out to fulfil our mission in the world around us.

Read more about community life

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) is also called ‘Father of the poor’. He laboured to have the Church be present among the poorest of the poor. “Our convent, that is the world”

Read more about Vincent de Paul

Mary, Mother of Mercy

The full name of our congregation is: Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy. Where does this name come from, and what does she mean to us?

Read more about Mary, Mother of Mercy